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What is Zapier?
Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps.
Zapier is a repository of apps and software that have connected to their platform that help in that automation.
The way to think of it is:
How does Edisen connect to Zapier?
Edisen connects to Zapier in two ways.
Via actions and via triggers.
Edisen has two triggers set up that will be the WHEN in an automation flow.
Our two triggers are:
Creating an Approval
Creating a Task
We also have a single action
Our single action is:
Creating a File in a collection
How do I log into and connect to Zapier and Edisen?
To connect to Zapier you need a Zapier account.
Create Zapier Account
Register at:
Select/Create Task
Select Trigger
Sign into Edisen with your account information.
Authorize Edisen with API Key
Configure Trigger
Test Trigger
Select Action
Auth Action App
Similar to adding the Trigger authentification, whatever actions account and app being used must be logged into.
Configure Action
Test Trigger + Action
Turn on Zap
Where do I find my API Key?
An API Key is necessary to authenticate for every organization you want to connect to Edisen. API keys can be accessed via contacting Edisen Support.
In the near future API key access will be available via the user profile section of Edisen.
Edisen Triggers
Edisen Zapier integration contains two triggers.
Tasks and Approvals.
For any created task a trigger will set off actions that can be used across the Zapier eco-system.
For instance, you could send a zap for every task created that sends a Slack message to your team working on the account.
The same goes for Approvals. The Approval trigger will open up a world of possibilities for any workflows that involve approvals.
For instance, every approval created could be created in a row in a Google spreadsheet that allows for you to track assets and work over a long-term project.
Edisen Actions
Edisen Zapier integration contains one action.
Writing a file to a Collection
Any trigger that is in the Zapier platform that contains a file or URL may be sent to Edisen to create a file in a specific collection.
For instance, if your trigger is to for any Outlook email, that has an attachment, send that attachment to an Edisen Collection.
The possibilities should only be limited by what your particular workflow is.
What's Next?
We are surfacing user API keys within Edisen very soon, and plan to add more Triggers and Actions based on user feedback.
If you need it, we'll build it.