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Searching for content

Find out the simple and easy way to search for your content and interact with the results in Edisen.

Shawn Kucerak avatar
Written by Shawn Kucerak
Updated over a week ago

One of the core features of Edisen's Digital Asset Management is the capability to search and interact with your content.

While we support uploading of gigabytes or even terabytes of content and also generation of such content, we are aware of how important it is to still keep track of your assets and the ability to search for all what you have in your organization.

Searching in Edisen

Click on the Search magnifying glass on the top right toolbar, next to the profile picture. This opens a Search overlay.

Search Autocomplete

While you start typing your text in the Search text-box, the following metadata is searched and looked for matches in the autocomplete dropdown list:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Tags

  • Attributes

  • Extensions

  • MIME type

Points to note about Search Autocomplete

  • Dropdown autocomplete suggestions can be clicked on:

    • If the suggested option clicked on is a single object, you will be navigated (redirected) to that particular object.

    • If the suggested option that is clicked has multiple object matches, the search text-box is auto-filled with the text and a search is performed.

Searching by categories

Once a search text is autofilled or is entered, all the content uploaded in Collections are searched on the following metadata text fields:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Tags

  • Attributes

  • Extensions

  • MIME type

Search results are then categorized into the following categories:

  • All

    • In this tab, the results could be of any asset type.

    • Empty assets are also shown here.

    • Note that Scenes results are NOT shown in this tab.

  • Images

    • All the images (assets of type 'ai', 'bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'ps', 'svg', 'tif', 'tiff', etc) are searched for a text match in the above mentioned metadata fields.

  • Videos

    • All the videos (assets of type '3g2', '3gp', 'avi', 'flv', 'h264', 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'rm', 'swf', 'wmv', etc) are searched for a text match in the above mentioned metadata fields.

  • Files

    • All images, videos, documents ('csv', 'doc', 'key', 'odp', 'ods', 'pps', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'xml', etc), audio ( 'aif', 'aiff', 'flac', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'mpa', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wave', 'wma') assets are searched for a text match in the above mentioned metadata fields in this category.

  • Collections

    • All Collections are searched for a text match in the above mentioned metadata fields.

  • Folders

    • All Folders are searched for a text match in the above mentioned metadata fields.

  • Scenes

    • All video assets are searched for the natural language, contextual meaning of the search text, for example "woman in red dress" or "dog in a car".

    • All results are video segments.

    • See this help article to learn more about Scenes Search:

Interactive Table

All the search results are shown in an interactive table, in each category. You will be able to utilize all the features of this table:

  • Filter results by one or more columns

  • Pagination of results

  • Hide or view columns

  • Change row density

  • Note: sorting on columns is disabled on these tables.

    • Search results are sorted by relevancy.

Click Interactions

  • Clicking on "Details" icon opens the Details drawer

  • Clicking on the thumbnail opens the preview over the overlay, if this is an asset

    • Navigates to the object if this is a Collection/Folder

    • When the preview overlay opens, you can use "Next Asset" and "Previous Asset" buttons to navigate through the previews in the Search results.

  • Clicking anywhere else on the row will navigate to the object

Points to note

  • Search results will be retained on the search overlay

    • You could close the overlay after performing a search or navigate away to an object from the overlay: but going back to Search by clicking on the magnifying glass once again will show you the results from your previous search if any. The search results will be retained.

  • There is a limit of 1000 results in each category. That is, for any search that is performed, maximum of 1000 rows are returned in any category.

  • Sometimes, there might not be any relevant results. If "All" tab is empty, you can expect Images, Videos, Files, Collections and Folders tabs to be empty.

  • Sometimes, you might have results ONLY in the Scenes tab. That is because, there might not be any matches on the metadata fields but there could be a match on the context of the search in the videos.

  • Note that the results are sorted by relevancy, top to bottom. That is, the top most results are the most relevant and closest matches to the searched text.

  • Scene search is not enabled for all organizations by default

    • You would have to open a support request if you want to start using the power of Scene search.

    • If the Tab exists and is not showing results, most likely you do not have this feature enabled in the backend.

  • Scenes results are not shown in the "All" tab.

  • All results are filtered based on your access at the Collections level.

    • Note that you would need to have Owner, Editor or Viewer access to the Collection either via your account directly or via being a part of a Team, for the results to show up in Search.

  • Archived assets are not searched.

Full-screen view of the article:

Hope you found this article useful. Please feel free to give us feedback, comments or reach out for questions at

For submitting a support request, please see this article

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